"My deepest desire is for people to get still enough to identify what makes them unique and connect to hope, possibility and fulfillment in all areas of their lives."

-Oprah Winfrey


Are you ready for this level of coaching?

➤You've achieved goals & personal success in life and are ready to take it to the next level but don't know how.

➤You have a great professional & personal life and yet you get a sense that something's missing.

➤You have everything you ever thought you wanted, but you crave that feeling of being alive.

➤You have experienced a rare moment of clarity & insight in life and want more.

➤You have "played it safe" most of your life and are ready for an adventure.

➤Your life feels like a race every day but you can't figure out how to stop or if you even want to.

➤You are surrounded by people that only tell you what they think you want to hear...not what you REALLY need to hear.

➤You feel like there are so many possibilities for your life but can't quite see what they are.

➤You are just a human being that understands at a deeper level that there's more to this "life thing", but haven't figured it out on your own yet.

 The clients that I want to coach…


➤inspire me by their willingness to go deeper, be vulnerable and honest even when it feels uncomfortable!


➤show up present, excited and open to experiencing extraordinary insight!

➤realize that they have to temporarily set aside what they know to make space for new thought!


➤have a sense that the true path to happiness is an inside job and that complaining or blaming is a waste of time & energy!

➤are ready to commit the time, money & energy that it takes to transform their lives!


➤want a deeper understanding of how life works and want to create cool stuff!