EP19: Untouchable & Unbreakable
Stephanie Fox joins Wyn & Kate this week as they chat about human resilience and wellbeing in the midst of the violence in Gaza. She also talks about her work with young people as part of the Spark Initiative and what she deeply believes is possible for the world.
Stephanie is a social entrepreneur, humanitarian, mother, coach, and teacher passionate about unleashing the potential in everyone and transforming education to realize humanity’s potential as a whole. Originally from Minnesota, USA, she’s lived in the Middle East for 12 years and now resides in Washington D.C.
The Adventures of Curious the Dragonfly books - https://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Curious-Dragonfly-Search-Feelings-ebook/dp/B07TSFNYH5
If you have any questions or comments for Wyn or Kate, please email us! Also, if you have a topic or question that you would like us to chat about, please reach out! We'd love to hear it!