The Gifts of Our Deeper Nature: A Day of Exploration in Sarasota, Florida
Join transformative coaches Kate Roberts, Bernie Kettle, and Tom Mattox for a one-day gathering for a deeper look at who you truly are. Through insightful conversations, quiet reflections, and creative play we will explore your innate well-being and deeper nature while surrounded by the stunning beauty of Florida’s wildlife and natural landscapes. Immerse yourself into a day of connection, insight, and renewal in this serene and inspiring setting.
Tom Mattox is a Three Principles mentor, as well as an artist and creative enabler, living in Portland, Oregon. He believes that, as in art, so in life, we can live and move in a feeling of aliveness, joy, and trust and he enjoys facilitating this capability in others.
Kate Roberts
Kate Roberts is coach and teacher whose deepest love is the exploration of truth…with teenagers, former teenagers or within her own personal journey. She is the creator and co-host of the podcast Under The Noise, with fellow coach Wyn Morgan. Kate also creates in the businesses of massage therapy and property management. She loves reading, yoga, journaling, and cooking for others.
Bernie Kettle
Bernie Kettle, transformational coach, guides people along the path to greater freedom, ease and joy. Bernie has been on a path of personal growth and self-discovery for over 3 decades, and he has a passion around bringing the same awareness to others. Originally from the UK, Bernie now lives in St Petersburg, FL, and loves Indian food and chocolate!